Admission Information
All Quest sites provide private bedroom accomodations, comfortable living rooms, individually accommodated bathrooms and supervised access to kitchen facilities. Outside leisure space and access to the larger community of supports is an important part of Quest supports and programs.
Rehabilitation Team
All clients at Quest have regular access to rehabilitative staff working as a team. The rehabilitation team includes a psychologist, social worker, medical doctor, nurse, and an occupational therapist. Recreational and vocational opportunites are organized through our community partners. Other facility staff may be called in on a consulting basis when needed. These may include: dietitians, music therapists, physiotherapists, financial services staff, and anyone else who may be required to assist clients in attaining their goals. Community-based services, such as optometrists, dentists, podiatrists and speech language therapy may also be used when needed.
Each client works with members of the team to assess their needs, decide on a plan of action, and determine individual goals and objectives. Individual plans vary and are reviewed regularly and revised according to progress. Team conferences for each individual are held at least every three months.
All medications must be given to nursing staff upon admission. Quest will provide all medications ordered during a client’s stay with us. Medications are administered by licensed nursing staff or trained rehabilitative staff.
Valuables and Money
Comforts and savings trust accounts are set up for individuals upon admission to Quest. Residents who do not pay privately, receive a monthly allowance in their comforts account for personal use. In addition, clients may make deposits in a savings account up to the limit established by the Province. You will be advised as to the limits that will apply in each of your accounts. Financial Services Bank is open Monday - Friday from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. for clients transactions. Valuables may be kept in the safe in the Office.
A registered dietitian is consulted to ensure all normal and therapeutic nutrition requirements are met. Nutritional counselling is available. Meals are prepared on site and clients meet with the dietician and food service staff around preferences on a regular basis.
Visiting Hours
Family and friends are encouraged to visit often. Visitors are welcome from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., keeping in mind the resident’s daily routine and program involvement.
Metro Transit buses arrive at the Cobequid Terminal at regular intervals Monday through Sunday.
Church Services
Clients can choose to attend religious services in the community.
Smoking is not permitted inside any Quest site. A designated smoking area is located close to the general garden area.