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Quest: A Society for Adult Support and Rehabilitation employs over 100 staff to provide resident services on a 24/7 basis. Staff are comprised of full time, part time and casual RN, LPN and Human Service Worker classifications. Staff are supported by a central administrative office providing human resources, accounting, payroll and program services. We also have our own food service and housekeeping departments.

Recruitment is ongoing and we are continually looking for dedicated staff that are qualified to provide the best care possible for our clients.

Staff assist residents in life skills, personal care, program planning, and access to medical care.

Entry level staff are required to have Grade 12 plus some post-secondary education in the Human Services field or previous experience in the field.

The Department of Community Services requires that employees must complete seven core competencies before being eligible for the pay rates cited below. The seven core competencies are:

  1. Fire and Life Safety

  2. Basic Principles and Practices of Personal Care

  3. Medication Awareness

  4. Individual Program Planning
  5. Positive Principles and Practices of Non-Aversive Behaviour Change
  6. Crisis Intervention
  7. Standard First Aid/CPR

Individuals who do not possess these competencies at the time of hiring will be expected to complete training sessions within three months of the date of hire. Quest will facilitate workshops in all of the above areas.

Applicants need to be flexible and able to work evenings, weekends, and holidays. You must be able to work independently and as part of a team. When applying please submit references from your most recent employers. All applicants must provide a current Criminal Record Check.

As of November 1st 2010 Human Service workers who have completed their core competencies earn $18.41 per hour ($18.72 after probation) and those who have not completed the core competencies earn $14.21 per hour ($14.45 after probation). RN and LPN classifications earn the same as acute care facilities. Permanent staff, both full time and part time receive an excellent benefit package including paid vacation, cost shared group life, medical and a cost shared pension plan.

RN and LPN positions are required to have a valid Nova Scotia nursing license in ordrer to be employed.