Quest Logo

Vision, Mission & Core Values


Every client experiencing life to their maximum – engaged, involved, and making choices


Our aim is to help people with developmental disabilities and mental health needs overcome behavioural challenges and develop skills to achieve their greatest potential through:

  • individualized assessment and program plans
  • non-aversive behavioural support
  • skill development to improve and maintain independent functioning
  • a continuum of care unique to their needs

Core Values

Respect for the individual

We use the biopsychosocial model which mandates that services “wrap around” the clients, taking into account their uniqueness. In light of the clients’ vulnerability, we strive to ensure that both our conduct and decision-making are responsible, transparent and demonstrate integrity.

Human Dignity

We strive continually to care, support and advocate for the client


We will support client/family representation as an integral part of working together in partnership.


We will promote the client experiencing a rich community life


We foster collaboration and interdependence within Quest; amongst clients and caregivers; and throughout our network of organizational relationships.

Learning and Innovation

We foster improved understanding on the part of anyone in a position to help the clients. We support continual development for all staff, using the latest methods and media. We contribute to growth and awareness on the part of the public, elected officials, public servants and partner organizations.

Optimal Use of Resources

We maximize the value of all financial, human, information and physical resources available to us. Through ongoing evaluations, we demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of our programs and services.

Fairness and Equity

We treat everyone fairly.


We are persistent, steadfast and committed.